About technogran
A granny and a geek? You bet! Still trying desperately to keep up with it all.

5 Responses to Beginning Blogging. 1. Let’s make a start on Blogger.

  1. Custom Computers says:

    Well Technogran, Found you here on your new site. Good job to date. Especially enjoyed the photos of you, and feel I know you better as a result. I am guessing that you may have concerns, as we do, about the future of WL Spaces? Hoping you will keep in touch and continue your how to articles as we may need the information. Will RSS subscribe to your site here.

  2. Could you please make a post with css topic? We need css templates info for blogger platform.

    • technogran1 says:

      I am not all that ‘up’ on CSS although I have used ( as you can see!) templates from sites such as btemplates, which I have then altered in the HTML area on Blogger. I could do some posts about that for users but I want to cover the main features that most users will use when they begin blogging on Blogger first. Let’s not run before we can walk!

  3. Pingback: Geek Squeaks’ of the Week (#68) « What's On My PC

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